Microsoft MVP | SharePoint StackExchange (StackOverflow) Moderator | C# Corner MVP | Microsoft TechNet Wiki Author | Microsoft TechNet Wiki Judge | Blogger | Senior Technical Consultant with 10+ years of experience in SharePoint and Project Server.
I am Senior Technical Consultant with +10 years of experience in SharePoint and Project Server.
I am Microsoft MVP. I’m honored to be one of the three recipients of Microsoft MVP Award in Saudi Arabia and the to be one of the three recipients of the Microsoft MVP Award in Saudi Arabia. currently the only person to have been awarded in the SharePoint & EPM category.
I have been elected as the first SharePoint Stack Exchange (StackOverflow) Moderator in the GCC,Middle East, and Africa.
I am the 3rd top contributor in SharePoint Stack Exchange of all the time.
I am the 1st top contributor in SharePoint Stack Exchange in 2018 (2nd time in a row).
I am the 1st top contributor in SharePoint Stack Exchange in 2017.
I am the 2nd top contributor in SharePoint Stack Exchange in 2016.
I am honored to be the 1st top contributor in SharePoint Stack Exchange (StackOverflow) in the GCC,the Middle East, and Africa.
I am honored to be the only person in SE to achieve the #1st top contributor award for the 12 months in a row ( #April #2017 – #March 2018) since the launching of SE in April 2011.
I am honored to be the only person in SE to achieve the #1st top contributor award for 24 months & 7 quartes since the launching of SE in April 2011.
I am honored to be ranked as the 5th one in the top 20 most awesome TechNet Wiki Technical Gurus, from the last five years!