Popular SharePoint / Office 365 Courses in Microsoft Virtual Academy

In this post, I am trying to list

The most popular SharePoint / Office 365 Courses in Microsoft Virtual Academy

Last updated: 10/2017

Microsoft Virtual Academy SharePoint On-Premise Courses (16)

Microsoft Virtual Academy SharePoint Courses List

General (5)

  1. SharePoint at Microsoft
  2. How Microsoft IT Manages and Governs the Internal SharePoint Environment.
  3. SharePoint 2013 Best Practices
  4. Managing SharePoint On-Premises vs. SharePoint Online
  5. Mastering Microsoft Certification Exam Prep.

Administration (8)

  1. Initial Implementation of SharePoint Server
  2. Provision and Configure Web Applications in SharePoint 2013
  3. Create and Maintain Site Collections in SharePoint 2013
  4. Plan and Configure User Access for SharePoint 2013
  5. Create and Configure the User Profile Service (UPS) Application
  6. Create and Configure the Managed Metadata Service (MMS) Application
  7. Upgrading to SharePoint 2013
  8. Deploying & Managing SharePoint 2013 with PowerShell

Development (3)

  1. Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions Jump Start
  2. Developing SharePoint Server Advanced Solutions Jump Start
  3. Deep Dive: Building Blocks and Services of SharePoint.

Microsoft Virtual Academy Office 365 Courses (78)

Microsoft Virtual Academy Office 365 Courses List

General (40).

  1. Cloud at Microsoft.
  2. Office 365 Fundamentals.
  3. Office 365 Admin Support Skills: Core Concepts.
  4. Tools and Tips for Administering Office 365.
  5. Getting the Most out of Your Office 365 Trial
  6. Grow your Business with Office 365
  7. Administering Office 365 for Small Business
  8. Enabling Office 365 Clients
  9. The Rise of Dynamic Teams: Modern Collaboration and Personalized Insights
  10. Public Cloud Services: Setting Up Your Business in the Cloud
  11. Office 365 Identity Management
  12. Managing Office 365 Identities and Services
  13. Office 365 Development [Learning Path]
  14. Office 365 Developer Overview
  15. Introduction to Office 365 Development
  16. Getting Started with the Office 365 APIs
  17. Deep Dive: Integrate Office 365 APIs in Your Web Apps
  18. Deep Dive into the Office 365 App Model
  19. Deep Dive: Integrate Office 365 APIs in Your Mobile Device Apps
  20. Managing Change in an Office 365 Rapid Release World
  21. Office 365 template walkthrough
  22. Plan a Collaboration Solution Using Office 365
  23. Support Corner: Migrate to a Different Office 365 Plan
  24. Office 365 Performance Management
  25. Provisioning and Configuring Office 365
  26. Support Corner: Using PowerShell to Manage Office 365 Users
  27. Office 365 Troubleshooting
  28. Understanding and Troubleshooting Office 365 End User Performance Issues
  29. Encryption in Office 365
  30. Data Loss Prevention in Office 365
  31. Office Graph, Delve, and SharePoint: Better Together
  32. Support Corner: Configure Mobile Devices for Office 365
  33. Manage Domains and Network Requirements in Office 365
  34. Compliance and Transparency Made Easier in the Cloud with Office 365
  35. Shipping Your Office App to the Office Store
  36. Cloud Solution Provider Partner Program API Integration
  37. Office 365 ProPlus: What’s New in 2016 and Beyond
  38. Office 365 ProPlus Deployment for IT Pros
  39. Deploying Office 365 ProPlus
  40. Office 365 ProPlus Deployment Deep Dive

SharePoint Online (19).

Free SharePoint online Cources

  1. Getting Started with SharePoint in the Cloud
  2. Office Guides: SharePoint Online Overview for IT Pros
  3. Create SharePoint Online Site Collections
  4. Configure External User Sharing Using SharePoint Online
  5. Getting Started with SharePoint Add-Ins
  6. Advanced SharePoint Add-in Development.
  7. Support Corner: Manage SharePoint Online Documents and Lists
  8. Support Corner: Manage Storage Quota for SharePoint Online
  9. Outcome Manager – Disrupting Program Failure & Change Management Using SharePoint Apps.
  10. Real life SharePoint Apps to help the Enterprise gain extra value from SharePoint on-prem/online.
  11. Journey into the SharePoint Store and Value of the SharePoint App Model
  12. Office Guides: Apps for Office and SharePoint
  13. Transform SharePoint Customizations to SharePoint App Model
  14. SharePoint and Office 365 Cloud-Connected Hybrid Scenarios
  15. Support Corner: SharePoint Online Hybrid Tips
  16. Support Corner: Configure SharePoint Outbound Hybrid Search
  17. The Modern Intranet Powered by SharePoint Services
  18. SharePoint Online Migration Planning
  19. Virtualizing & Managing SharePoint with Microsoft Cloud Platform

Project Online (4).

Free Project online Cources

  1. Support Corner: Getting Started in Project Online.
  2. Office Guides: Microsoft Project Online
  3. Support Corner: Project Online Administration
  4. Support Corner: Next Steps in Project Online

Microsoft Exchange (9).

Free Exchange online Cources

  1. Expanding Office 365 with Enterprise Mobility Suite
  2. Managing Exchange Online Using PowerShell
  3. Managing Exchange Online Using Microsoft Online Console
  4. Office 365 Security & Compliance: Exchange Online Protection
  5. Manage Exchange Online Services
  6. Exchange Hybrid Deployment
  7. Support Corner: Configure OWA for Office 365
  8. Support Corner: Access OWA in O365
  9. Support Corner: Configure Outlook for Office 365

OneDrive (2).Free Onedrive Cources

  1. Collaborating Office 365 with OneDrive for Business
  2. OneDrive for Business: Store, Sync, and Share Your Work Files

Skype for business (2).

Free Skype online Cources

  1. Optimize Your Network for Skype for Business
  2. The Voice of Skype for Business: Cloud and Hybrid

Yammer (2).

Free yammer online Cources

  1. Yammer Administration and Power User Best Practices
  2. Office 365 Groups, Delve, and Yammer Admin Best Practices

Please feel free to mention any new or any not above listed in the comments.

Applies To
  • SharePoint Server.
  • Office 365.
  • SharePoint Online.
  • Project Online.
  • Exchange.
  • Skype for business.
  • Yammer.

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