SSRS: SharePoint List does not exist

SSRS: SharePoint List does not exist

In this post, I am gonna fix the below Reporting Service Issue with SharePoint List:

Exception of type ‘Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException’ was thrown.  List does not exist.

Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException was thrown.  List does not exist

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The SharePoint list does not exist in SSRS | Scenario

In SQL Server Reporting Service, I have tried to create a new data source with the SharePoint site that connected successfully as shown below:

Connect to SharePoint in SSRS

In connection string, I added the SharePoint Site URL

From the newly created data source, I have tried to create a new Dataset as the following:

  • Right-click on the dataset, select “Add dataset”.
  • Set the dataset name as you prefer, then select the SharePoint data source.
  • Select “Table”, and click on “Query Designer”.
SharePoint DataSet in SSRS
  • Select your SharePoint list.
Get SharePoint List in SSRS
  • Click on Run Query, I got the below error:

An error occurred while executing the query
The exception of type ‘Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException’ was thrown.  The list does not exist.

Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException was thrown.  List does not exist

The SharePoint list does not exist in SSRS | Cause:

This issue occurs because you have selected from beginning the Query type as a “Tabel”, not as a “Text“.

SharePoint DataSet in SSRS

So the command type is not set automatically to Text when you tried to edit your query as Text.

Missing command type in SSRS

The SharePoint list does not exist in SSRS | Solution:

The solution is so simple as the following:

  • If you selected the “Query Type” as a “Table
SharePoint DataSet in SSRS
  • Click on “Edit as Text” and select “Text” as “Command Type“.
error in SharePoint with SSRS - the list does not exist

Or from the beginning, use “Text” rather than “Table” as shown below:

SharePoint list dataset in SSRS

Applies To
  • SharePoint 2019 / 2016 /2013.
  • SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS).

In this post, I have explained:

  • How to connect to SharePoint as a data source in SSRS.
  • How to create a new dataset from the SharePoint data source in SSRS.
  • Fixed the “SharePoint List does not exist issue” in SSRS.
See Also

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