Can’t Publish SharePoint Workflow | There are no addresses available for this application

There are no addresses available for this application

In this post, we’re going to fix the below SharePoint Designer Workflow Issue:

Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEndpointAddressNotFoundException: There are no addresses available for this application.

errors when compiling SharePoint workflow

You may also like to read SharePoint 2016: Configure Workflow Manager

There are no addresses available for this application

In SharePoint 2016, I tried to create a workflow using SharePoint Designer.

The workflow has saved successfully, but when I clicked publish,

Can't Publish SharePoint Workflow | There are no addresses available for this application

I got the below error:

Errors were found when compiling the workflow, the workflow files were saved but can’t be run

I clicked on the advanced button to get more details, and found the following:

Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEndpointAddressNotFoundException: There are no addresses available for this application.
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRoundRobinServiceLoadBalancer.BeginOperation()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPServiceApplicationProxyBase1.ExecuteOnChannel(Boolean requireDelegation, Action1 codeBlock)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.AppManagement.AppManagementServiceApplicationProxy.GetScaleOutDatabaseMap()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPScaleOutDatabaseMap.GetMapCacheEntries

Can’t Publish SharePoint Workflow in SharePoint Designer

This issue usually occurs in case of

  • The App Management service stopped.
  • Workflow Manager is not configured properly.

Start App Management Service

App Management Service is one of the main prerequisites for SharePoint Workflow Manager.

Therefore, you should ensure that you have configured App Management Service properly as I mentioned at

Sorry, something went wrong App Management Shared Service Proxy is not installed in SharePoint Server.

If you have already configured App Management Service, make sure that it’s started by doing the following:

  • Open Central Administration as Administrator.
  • Click on System Settings > Manage Services on Server.
  • If the App Management Service stopped, start it.
App Management Service Stopped

Restarting the App Management Service takes some time to be reflected!

Therefore, you should

  • Wait for a moment, then
  • Close the SharePoint Designer and reopen it again.
  • Finally, try to publish your workflow that should be published properly.

Workflow Manager is not configured properly

If the issue still not solved, so It’s recommended to apply the following checklist.

  1. The Workflow Manager Farm status is running.
  2. The Workflow Manager and Service bus services are up and running.
  3. The SharePoint Workflow Manager Proxy connected.
  4. The SharePoint Workflow 2013 platform listed in the SharePoint Designer.
  5. The Workflow Manager web service is browsable.

All details mentioned at the Workflow Manager Health Checklist

Applies To
  • SharePoint 2016.
  • SharePoint Designer 2013.

In conclusion, we have solved the “There are no addresses available for this application” that we faced when trying to publish a SharePoint Workflow in SharePoint Designer.

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