Populate dropdown from SharePoint List using C#

Populate dropdown from SharePoint List Programmatically

In this post,  we’ll show How to programmatically populate dropdown from SharePoint List using C#?

You might also like to read Show / Hide fields based on choice field selection using JQuery in SharePoint 2016.

Consider, you have a city list in SharePoint, you need to retrieve a specific field value to a Dropdown list in Visual Web Part in C#.

Populate dropdown from SharePoint List using C#

Retrieve specific field value from SharePoint List to dropdown list in C#

Let’s define the dropdown list in front code as the following:

<asp:DropDownList ID="dlCountry" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true">

Now, we are gonna create a function to bind a specific field to a dropdown list as shown below

public void BindCountry() {
 using(SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url)) {
  using(SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) {
   SPList list = web.Lists["Country"];
   DataTable dt = list.Items.GetDataTable();
   dlCountry.DataSource = dt;
   dlCountry.DataTextField = "Title";
   dlCountry.DataValueField = "ID";

Get a specific field into a dropdown list based on CAML Query in C#

In case, you are using CAML query to retrieve your list item collection, you can use the below code:

public void BindCountry() {
 using(SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url)) {
  using(SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) {
   SPList list = web.Lists["Country"];
   SPQuery query = new SPQuery();
   query.Query = "<View><ViewFields><FieldRef Name='Title'/></ViewFields></View>"; 
       SPListItemCollection Items = list.GetItems(query);
       foreach (SPListItem Item in Items)
              dlCountry.Items.Add(new ListItem(Item.Title));

The above code is working for CheckBox List as well, you just need to set the control name at “dlCountry.Items.Add”

Bind Field in SharePoint List to a dropdown list

Finally, call the “BIND()” function In Page_Load as shown below

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
 if (!IsPostBack)

You might also like to read Work with SharePoint Lookup Field Programmatically


In conclusion, we have learned how to Populate dropdown from SharePoint List using C# as well as how to Get a specific SharePoint field into a dropdown list based on CAML Query in C#.

Applies To
  • SharePoint 2016.
  • SharePoint 2013.
  • SharePoint 2010.
  • C# SSOM.
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1 thought on “Populate dropdown from SharePoint List using C#”

  1. Pingback: Get SharePoint Choice Field Value In C# | SPGeeks

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