Align number field in SharePoint list

In SharePoint List, If you have created a new number column with a currency or a percentage data type, you will note in “All Items View” that this column is not aligned properly as hown below

Align number field in SharePoint list

In this hint, we will learn How to align number field in SharePoint list to centralize the currency or percentage column as shown below:

Centralize number field in SharePoint list

Align number field in SharePoint list

  • Open your SharePoint List.
  • At All Item Page > Edit Page > Insert Script Editor Web part.
Add Script Editor Web Part
  • Edit Web Part and Add the following CSS code.
.ms-number {
text-align: center ! important;
margin-top: -16px ! important;
style for currency field
  • Close Page Editing
  • Great, the currency column in the SharePoint list is now aligned to center properly.
Adjust currency column in SharePoint list

Applies To

  • SharePoint 2016.
  • SharePoint 2013.
  • SharePoint 2010.

See Also

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