SharePoint Designer Workflow check if date field is empty

SharePoint Designer Workflow check if date field is empty

In this article, we will learn how to Check if Date Field is NULL or Empty in SharePoint Designer Workflow.

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SharePoint Designer Workflow check if date field is empty

In SharePoint, I have created a SharePoint Designer workflow to check if the value of the Date field is NULL of Empty. therefore I have added “if condition” as shown below:

Check date is empty in SharePoint Designer Workflow

As you can see, In the date value dialog, there is no option to Check if Date Field is NULL, and you must select a specific date or the today value as shown below

Date is empty in SharePoint Workflow designer

How to Check if Date Field is NULL in SharePoint Designer Workflow?

You have three options to check if the current date field value is NULL or Empty in SharePoint Designer Workflow:

  • Create a new hidden Date field with a null value.
  • Perform if condition with 01/01/0001.
  • Create a null date variable.

Create a new hidden Date field with a null value

  • In your list, create a new field called “null-date“.
  • Before saving, uncheck “Add to the default view” option.
  • Open list settings > Advanced Settings.
Advanced Setting in SharePoint List
  • Enable “Manage Contents Types“.
Allow management of content types
  • Go back to list setting, and below the “Content Types” click on the “item“.
SharePoint Designer Workflow check if date field is empty
  • Click on the “null-date” field from the columns page.
  • Click on “Hidden“.
Hide column in SharePoint List
  • Go back to the SharePoint Designer workflow.
  • Add an IF condition.
  • Set the first value to the date field item and the second value to “null-date” field.
blank date in SharePoint Designer Workflow
SharePoint Designer Workflow check if date field is empty

Perform if condition with 01/01/0001

In the SharePoint Designer workflow, the default Empty Date Field value is ‘01/01/0001 12:00 AM‘. So you can check if the date field is less than any old date like “1900/10/01“. in this case, it’s pretty sure that the Date Field value is empty.

Check the NULL date in SharePoint Designer Workflow
SharePoint Designer Workflow check if date field is empty

Create a null date variable

  • Create a Workflow Variable as a String.
  • Set this variable to the date field as a short date.
Check blank date in SharePoint Designer Workflow
  • Compare if the variable equal to the “1/1/0001” (the default date field value)
Check blank date in SharePoint Designer
SharePoint Designer Workflow check if date field is empty


In conclusion, we have learned how to Check if Date Field is NULL or Empty in SharePoint Designer Workflow.

Applies To
  • SharePoint Designer Workflow 2013.
  • SharePoint Designer Workflow 2010.
  • SharePoint 2013.
  • SharePoint 2016.

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3 thoughts on “SharePoint Designer Workflow check if date field is empty”

  1. Another option is to add a calculated “Has Date” column testing whether the date field is entered:


    Then, the workflow can simply test whether the calculated “Has Date” field is specifically either Yes or No, and then branch accordingly.

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