Get all Groups a user is a member of Using PowerShell

Get All Groups for a user is a member of without importing AD module

In this post, we’ll learn how to get all groups a user is a member of using PowerShell.

Get all groups that a user is a member of using PowerShell

We’ll also show multiple methods to know in which groups a user belongs to by exploring the following:

You might alto like to read Logon failure: The user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.

Get all Groups a user is a member of

Consider you have a domain user, and you would like to check which local and global groups a user is a member of. but

  • You didn’t have permission on the Active Directory.
  • Or you can’t import Active Directory Module.

In this case, you can easily use “net user” cmdlet to Get all Groups a user is a member of as the following:

Which groups a user is a member of using Command Prompt


  • Run Command Prompt / Windows Power-Shell as administrator.
run cmd as administrator
  • Run the below cmdlet.
net user /domain username

In my scenario, I would like to know if the “spfarm” user is a member of the Domain Admins group or not.

net user /domain spfarm
  • Check Global and local Group Membership line to find all groups in that a user “spepmfarm” is a member of.
Get all Groups a user is a member of Using PowerShell

Besides this method is an easy and fast, it’s very helpful to check:

  • If the account is active and not disabled.
  • Account expiration status.
  • When the account password expires.
  • The last date password changed.
  • If the account can change its password.
  • Last logon.
  • Which local group a user is a member of.
  • Which global domain group a user is a member of.

Note: if the group name is long (> 21 chars) it will truncate the group name.

Get Group Membership PowerShell

The previous method is very helpful and doesn’t require permission on the AD server to get all groups a user is a member of. but as we earlier mentioned, if the group name is long (> 21 chars) it will truncate the group name.

So in this case, you can use the build-in “Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership” to get Get all Groups a user is a member of using PowerShell.


  • Run Windows PowerShell as Administrator.
Run Windows PowerShell as Administrator
  • Import Active Directory Module.
import-module activedirectory

Note: if you can’t import AD module, try to install RAST feature as the following:

Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell
  • Run “Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership“.
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership username_withoutdomain | select name
Get Group Membership PowerShell

Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership” helps you to get the local and global security groups in which a user is a member of

Check Group Scope Using PowerShell

Groups are characterized by a scope to define where the group can be granted permissions.

There are three group scopes are defined by Active Directory:

  • Domain Local.
  • Global.
  • Universal.

You might also like to read Active Directory Security Groups.

To check if a group scope using PowerShell, you should select “Groupscope” as shown below:

Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership spfarm | select name,groupscope
Get groups for a user powershell

Get Global Security Group for a user is a member of

Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership spfarm | select name,groupscope | Where-Object Groupscope -eq "Global"
Get Global Group a user is a member of

Get Local Security Group for a user is a member of

Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership spfarm | select name,groupscope | Where-Object Groupscope -eq "domainlocal"
Get Local Group a user is a member of

Get All Groups for the current user is a member of

Instead of typing specific user, you can also get all groups for the current user is a member of by using $env:USERNAME

Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $env:USERNAME | select name,groupscope

Get All Groups for the current user is a member of without importing AD module

If the above cmdlets is not working for any reason, so in this case, you should try the following:

(get-aduser $env:USERNAME -Properties memberof | select -expand memberof | get-adgroup) | select Name,groupscope
Get All Groups for the current user is a member of without importing AD module

Alternatively, you can also use the below power-shell cmdlet that not requires to import AD module.

((New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher("(&(objectCategory=User)(samAccountName=$($env:username)))")).FindOne().GetDirectoryEntry().memberOf | get-adgroup)| select Name,groupscope

This cmdlet gives you the same result as shown below

Name                                                                                                         groupscope
----                                                                                                         ----------
WF Admins                                                                                                        Global
WSS_WPG                                                                                                     DomainLocal
WSS_RESTRICTED_WPG_V4                                                                                       DomainLocal
WSS_ADMIN_WPG                                                                                               DomainLocal
EPMSys Accounts                                                                                                  Global
Domain Admins                                                                                                    Global
IIS_IUSRS                                                                                                   DomainLocal
Performance Log Users                                                                                       DomainLocal
Performance Monitor Users                                                                                   DomainLocal
Administrators                                                                                              DomainLocal

PS C:\Users\spfarm>


In conclusion we have learned how to get all groups a user is a member of, we have also learned how to get local and global Group Membership for a user is a member of using PowerShell.

Applies To
  • Windows PowerShell.
  • Command Prompt.
  • Windows Server 2016.
  • Windows Server 2012.
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