Could not connect to the specified Project Web App URL

In this article, I will solve the below Project Server issue

Could not connect to the specified Project Web App URL.

Could not connect to the specified Project Web App URL.


In Project Server 2013, I can’t provision Project Web Instance from Central administration, so I have tried to provision it using Power Shell as the following:

  • I locked the old content databases attached to the current web application.
  • I created a new content database and locked it successfully to hold only one new site collection.

See also,

  • I run the below script.
New-SPSite -URL "New PWA Instance" -ContentDatabase "DB Name" -Template PWA#0 -OwnerAlias "PWA User Name Admin"

When I tried to browse the PWA Instance URL, I got the below error:

Could not connect to the specified Project Web App URL.


This issue usually occurs because of the PWA instance is not provisioned correctly.

  • You didn’t create the PWA Project Database.
  • You created the PWA Project Database but you didn’t attach it to your PWA instance.
  • You didn’t enable the PWA feature on the PWA instance.


Make sure you have provisioned The PWA Instance Using Power Shell as the following:

Provision PWA Instance Using Power Shell In Project Server 2013.

  • Run SharePoint Management as Administrator.
Run SharePoint Management Shell as Administrator
  • Create a new PWA Instance (Site Collection) in a content database.
New-SPSite -URL "New PWA Instance" -ContentDatabase "DB Name" -Template PWA#0 -OwnerAlias "PWA User Name Admin"
  • Create a PWA Project Database.
New-SPProjectDatabase -Name PWADatabaseName -ServiceApplication "ServiceApplicationName" -DatabaseServer SQLServerInstance -Tag String
  • Attach the PWA Project DB with the PWA Instance.
$web=Get-SPWeb "New PWA Instance"
  • Enable the PWA Site Feature.
Enable-SPFeature pwasite -URL "New PWA Instance"
  • Browse the PWA URL, it should work as expected.

Migrate from Project Server 2013 to 2016

Applied To

  • Project Server 2013.


In this article, I have explained How to Provision PWA Instance Using PowerShell. 

See Also

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